Education Perth introduces Altona Meadows Primary School in Altona Meadows, for all your education and learning needs.
Altona Meadows Primary School for many years has provided quality, student centred education that will improve Student Learning Outcomes.
AMPS is committed to developing each child’s potential. A sense of pride in self, school and community is encouraged.
The AMPS school motto is 'Learning for Life'.
The motto came about as a result of a competition in 2009 within the school community for a new motto. There were 52 creative and clever entries submitted by students from all grade levels and members of staff.
The School Council meeting in November 2009 determined that the stand-out winner was Mitchell Hale, a student in Grade 6, who came up with the short and catchy 'Learning for Life'.This was announced at the end of year school concert by Mr Reid.
As a result, the motto is used along with school logo on uniforms, stationery and marketing materials, earning Mitchell Hale a special place in AMPS history.
Welcome to Altona Meadows Primary School one of the popular educators in your Altona Meadows area. Our aim is help you in your learning journey.
We endeavour to celebrate each other's uniqueness by providing opportunity for all and to develop a culture that identifies that the journey towards excellence is often paved with trial and error, risk taking, learning from mistakes, flexibility and adaptability. We believe that encouraging students to take ownership of the learning is critical in achieving the best learning outcomes and that implicit in this concept is that students learn their own areas of strength and areas of development, through useful and explicit feedback.
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